Home Education Towards a better student teacher relationship

Towards a better student teacher relationship


“ There are no bad students. Only lousy teachers.”

This is not a 50:50 relationship. This is a pure 100% relationship with the onus of creating, forging  and continuously enriching the relationship entirely and only on the teacher.

Since the teacher is the role-model for the students. And students are transient but the teacher is there always or should be there for her/his  students.  Anybody can be a teacher provided it is clear the teacher understands her/ his responsibility  is a Himalayan one. It’s a nation building exercise albeit at the grass-roots level. An entire generation is entrusted to the teacher to make their lives.

It is pertinent to realise an institution is not made only by brick & mortar.  The keys of its success lie in the teacher’s hands  to unlock the minds of the students to bring the world in to the classrooms. Hence a teacher would be better off being a key effortlessly opening the look than being a hammer!

For this the teacher has to be accepted by the students. Is it difficult or is it impossible are the doubts plaguing the human mind. Quite the contrary. It’s extremely easy.

In this  dynamic world with technology ruling every sphere of mankind  the basics of being a great teacher still remain the same.

1 Unconditional love for students:  is the first prerequisite. There being no standard recipe for this the only manner to imbibe and practice this by enjoying the responsibility of interacting with young minds, allowing the radiance and energy of the students envelop you. Then there is no looking back.

2. Discipline : beginning  with  punctuality is where you have to be the role-model by leading.

‘Actions speak better than words.’  Then you have the right to pull up an errant student or subordinate.

3. Judge not for ye be judged:  as the Biblical quote suggests. Empathise, don’t sit on judgement which is easy.

4.There is no substitute for hard-work : Again a  role-model approach is required.  And  your hard work shall reap dividends. Students are  intelligent enough to  recognise and appreciate the earnest, honest and hard-working teacher.

5.Be friendly not familiar:  Laugh with them. The best jokes are the ones in which you pull your leg. They will realise you too are human and that is a sure method to endear you as a friend, mentor & counsellor.

6. Do your duties with no expectations : As the  Bhagwad Gita verse reminds us not to expect the fruits of our work but stay content in our duties.

7. Last but not the least: Make a list of your favourite teachers. List their exceptional qualities. You shall find out they shall have a lot in common. Make those qualities yours. This shall include subject knowledge and beyond, humility, the ability to apologise sincerely to your students, excellent communication skills etc.

 Remember good teachers teach but great teachers inspire. It’s your choice. Good luck to be a great teacher. Keep inspiring.