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A day dedicated to loyal teachers


The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” -William Arthur Ward

Since 1962, India has been celebrating Teacher’s Day on 5th September as a symbol of tribute and honour to the contributions made by teachers to the society. Respected among society, teachers have played an important role in the overall development of a person. They are able to influence and mould a student’s life positively. Every student celebrates this day to encourage and support the contributions of his/her teacher. Children are the country’s future, hence they need to be positively nurtured and that is done best by teachers as children get inspired by their teachers easily. Teachers enlighten students and shape their personality and career.

‘Matha-pitha-guru-dhaivam’ (mom-dad-teacher-Lord) is what a Malayalam quote says. But how much dedicated and sincere are we to our teachers and mentors? Let this Teacher’s Day be a day wherein we sincerely pray for and express gratitude to our moulders.

The day marks as a day of gratitude and respect to the selfless efforts of teachers. It is celebrated to honour Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the great Teacher, Academic, Philosopher and India’s second President. His birth anniversary is commemorated as Teacher’s Day as a token of gratitude for his humble efforts in growing a vibrant generation. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was a strong supporter of education. Instead of celebrating his birthday separately, he requested to observe the day as Teacher’s Day to give honor to all the teachers in India. This appeal demonstrated his love for the teaching profession and since then 5th September is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in India.

The word ‘teacher’ represents knowledge; transfer of the knowledge from the teacher to the pupil. In fact, the foundation that builds a person in life is to great extent based on the knowledge he/she gets from his/her teacher. If there’s somebody other than our parents who plays an important role in grooming our mental development, it’s our teachers. The Companion pays a tribute to the positive and inspiring role that holds the ladder that we all have climbed or are still climbing as students.