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Call for papers for IInd International Conference on Communal Harmony and Nation Building


The second international conference on Communal Harmony Nation Building jointly organised by SIO India and the department of Political Science, BHU will be held on 23rd and 24th of February, 2016 at BHU.

Since India is a country with diversities in religions, customs, cultures and languages, it is very essential to learn and understand these diversities. The main objective of the conference is to help students to focus on Communal Harmony and Nation Building by giving them a better understanding of plural India. India’s existing glory is because of its arts, literature and revising religious values and practices. A mutual understanding of respect and trust are required for social progress in the context of the pluralistic societal structure of India. The conference shall also focus on the role of individual in peace building, conflict resolution theory and comparative religion. The conference shall have sessions on Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion and Gender Discourses in Hinduism and Islam, along with the concept of God in major existing religions. http://sioconference.in/

The last date of submission of extract is on 25th January 2016 and the last date of registration is on February 1, 2016.