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Constitution Day


With the largest democracy in the world and the unique Constitution of India , many questions are still unanswered, and never ending atrocities are still in search of Justice. The constitution which was created to promote secularism in its widest extend is now being limited to ‘fascist-driven secularism’.
Today on 26th Nov, despite all these, India celebrates CONSTITUTION DAY.
What significance and value does it carry today, let’s hear your voice.


  1. Democracy At Risk! Save Democracy!!

    In fascism and democracy, India is hooked up between the two which began with Advani’s Rath Yatra for the demolition of Babri Masjis followed by the carnage of Muslims and now Christians. With this the Hindutva gang has become dictators of the civic life intimidating fully fledged fascism.

    The ironical similarity between the two neighboring countries is that the people of Pakistan and Bangladesh have been wrestling with the subject of dictatorship versus democracy, a greater but not as much acclaimed crisis is challenging India. Here the fight is not between dictatorial dictatorships versus democracy. Rather, it is between democracy and fascism.

    The fascism develop in India in 1926 with the founding of the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), flourished into full force with Advani’s Rath Yatra across the country concluding in the demolition of the Babri Masjid in December 1992. This was a prologue to the mass murder of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002. Now this assault by the Hindutva army on wretched minorities is no longer confined to the Muslims. It has spread to the Christian community, which is now the target of an organized campaign of killings, rapes, arson, and wanton vandalism in states ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party, either on its own or in coalition.

    The late Vinod Mishra, then the General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation or CPI-ML-Liberation, argued that the Babri Masjid episode was not the issue of Masjid -Mandir, rather it was a problem of democracy or fascism. Regrettably, his words are proving prophetic. But no left and communist party in India, including the Naxalites, showed their concern over the issue of fascism with any exigency and none of them has developed programs to deal with fascism.

    The stretched chronicle of moderately cordial relationship between Hindus, Muslims and Christians, the overriding cultural philosophy of India, predominantly in the recent past, is becoming immersed with Hindu pride and Hindu “cultural values”. The jingle “mera Bharat mahan” articulates to a very particular type of “Bharat,” one in which minorities have little place.

    In India, the Janata Dal of Lalu Yadav, the Samajwadi Party of Mulayam Singh and the Congress of Sonia Gandhi. They may be dithering or weak but they are the only ones who have so far prevented a fascist invasion of India.

    It is difficult to crusade against the army of fascism in India can embark on without put up the broadest possible coalition of anti-fascist services and mass mobilization against fascist group.

    Alas, the precedence of left parties lies away as a result of a false and imaginary assessment of internal and external enemies of India. It is difficult to change the attitude of left parties under the existing leadership. That forces the civil society groups to undertake the mammoth task of becoming the main forces against fascism in India.

    India is a country of many cultures, languages, nationalities and religions. What our leaders responsible for achieving freedom thought to declare India a democratic country was wise decision. We should think with humane while drafting the nation’s policy for constitution. And moreover, there are more other immediate problems which are to be attended. Instead what would be more idiotic than running after changing the nation’s constitution? Every citizen of India has right to be treated equally with respect. Already our country is divided into states on linguistic basis. Let us not further divide it on religion and hatred towards each other.

    Mohammed Mobeen Ahmed
    Freelance Writer.