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We Are Kashmiri Students, So We Were Brutalised By Delhi Police


To the common people protesting peacefully holding placards is the simplest and commonest way to show their intolerance towards any crime committed, and also to show their solidarity with the victims.

The brutality that Delhi police showed towards the students of JNU most of who happened to belong to Kashmir and were on the way with other students in protest against rape and murder of a minor girl Asifa Bano has sparked a sense of injustice once again. India is on the verge of creating a history of suppressing the voices raised against any injustice in any possible ways.  Crime and protests are going on hand in hand, without much improvement in the system and thinking of common people.

On 22nd January 2018, the students from JNUSU gathered near the Jammu and Kashmir Bhawan on the call given against the laxity of the Jammu and Kashmir government and the police regarding the alleged rape and murder of Asifa, an eight-year-old girl from Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir. This was a horrible incident that shook the country once again. The little girl was kidnapped and later found dead after 7 days of police search operation. According to the police, the culprit is a minor boy who confessed the crime.

Demanding justice for Asifa and suspension of the Senior Superintendent of Police, the students were protesting peacefully holding placards in their hands.

Students alleged that Delhi police brutally beat up them because of the presence of Kashmiri students in the rally. There have been numerous protests in front of many Bhawans but the protestors never met such lathi-charge and brutality.

The act is disgusting and questionable. First of all, it was a peaceful protest. There was no any violence, no any anti-national sloganeering. What made the police to show such brutality towards them?  As the students claim, they faced this only due to their place of residence, being from Kashmir. This act only aggravates the sense of angst in them. Whenever the Kashmir and Kashmiris come in the scene, the whole scenario changes. Media plays a big role in spreading hatred towards a particular community. Kashmiris have been the soft target for the media to vent out its anger for the suspicion of terrorist activities. If it’s not the case of being Kashmiri, as students alleged, then how and why a peaceful protest gave the Delhi police a reason to attack the students, should be thoroughly investigated. As per the reports, some students are missing and some are detained.