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Depression – Not A Sign of Weakness


When things go wrong, we often overreact. On many occasions, we feel that life is not fair or things “never go our way.” We feel stressed out and confused. Conflicting messages from family, friends, and society, make matters worse. Unrealistic expectations can create a strong sense of rejection and can lead to deep disappointment.

When moods disrupt our ability to function on a day-to-day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that needs attention — Depression.

That’s the time when you or the people around you must take immediate action.

Depression can be difficult to diagnose, especially in teens, because they don’t express their feelings very well.

People with depression, normally have several of the following : a loss of energy, a change in appetite, sleeping more or less, anxiety, reduced concentration, indecisiveness, restlessness, feelings of worthlessness, guilt or hopelessness, and thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), across the United States, 8.1 percent of people over the age of 20 have depression over any given 2-week period. For some people, depression might overcome within a matter of weeks or months but for others, who are diagnosed with major depression, the condition might get serious, it could persist for years, affecting their lifestyle.

You never know where depression lives. We sometimes may not even know the depression in people whom we know very well. We never guess that they are suffering from serious depression. Just imagine, a week before the death of a person close to you, he may be happy. At the same time he might give you some hints unknowingly by speaking about the behaviour of his family or friends towards him, about the struggle he is facing in making a living, but at that time you just tell him that, “Hey, men don’t get depressed, they just work, have fun, compete harder, and everything will be fine one day.” You don’t realise about his serious depression, and one day suddenly you get to know that he hanged himself and committed suicide.

And then you realise and wonder had I talked with him about his struggle behind that fake smile and happiness; he would be alive if I had not ignored and paid more attention to his illness and had tried to solve his problem.

So, I think  it’s really  very important for all of us to realise that in the society that we live today we’ve become so competitive, we’ve been driven which is a good thing but I think in the process we’ve become little insensitive to the  people around us. So it’s time that we realise and become more sensitive to ourselves and the people around us.

Make people comfortable around you and help them in talking about this serious issue. If you think you are depressed talk to someone, you trust about your feelings. When you talk to someone who cares about you, you feel much better. Seek professional help from psychologists and social health-workers. Remember, with the right help you can get better. Keep up with activities you used to enjoy before. Stay connected with family and friends.

Exercise regularly and eat healthily. Refrain from using illicit drugs or alcohol. Accept that you might have depression and adjust your expectations. If you feel suicidal contact someone for help immediately.

Depression is something that can happen to anybody whether a teenager or an adult. It’s not a sign of weakness. It’s treatable with therapies and medication.

All you need to do is, “Just talk about It.”

And if you see someone around you who is suffering from depression, ask them

“How they are? Is there anything you can do for them?”

This will make them feel much better.

Remember, depression is serious and, if left untreated, can worsen to the point of becoming life-threatening.