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Rise Against CAA: Now Is Not The Time To Remain Passive


“The constitution of India declares India a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic assuring its citizens justice, equality and liberty and endeavours to promote fraternity.”

These two lines are something that we are a part of and forever feel proud to represent a nation such as India. But lately, with the activity of the ruling party in our country, every bit of this seems violated. It would be no wonder if these lines would be used to describe what a wonderful country India was, to the coming generations.

One of the many blunders done by the ruling party is the recently passed Citizenship Amendment Bill. And in this article I would not like to describe what this bill really is and how this is a dishonour to the very founding stone of this nation. The internet is full with stuff both from people supporting and opposing the bill. Here I would rather discuss the state of affairs that we are entering in.

BJP has always followed this policy of polarisation to run its government. And to everybody’s surprise, so far they have successfully pulled this off. Time after time they have marginalised a particular community to reap the benefits out the hatred that they have infused in the mind of people. Whether it is the Kashmir issue or the relationships with our neighbouring country, they have always polarised people and profitably utilised every such incident.

And amidst of all this, we the citizens have faced with issues on other fronts. The present economic condition, the state of unemployment in the country, the rising prices of daily household commodities, rising of crime, declining women safety, lack of good and affordable education, we all are well aware of many such issues that really needs to solved. But they are running strongly despite their failure on all such fronts.

With all this propaganda they have successfully penetrated in the mind of local people and have inculcated in them thoughts that are actually not true. And now we are facing the consequences of all this in our day to day life. Just the other day, I heard two people having a conversation about CAB. One person was strictly in the favour of this bill and he had his reasons. He claimed that, “The law is right and anyways the Muslims should go back to their ‘Nations’ and what right do they have to stay here, they did not even fight in the freedom struggle of India.” Now a very important question arises here. Who told him all this? In which book did he study all this? Who told him that he can assign the tag of ‘Anti National’ to anyone he wants? Well alas! We all know whatsapp university has done a great job in feeding such people.

But also on a positive side there was something good in this conversation. The other person (who was also a non-Muslim) was opposing the bill and his friend’s baseless allegations. He believed that every community has fought shoulder to shoulder for this nation and we deserve to live together, in peace.

The point here is simple, although there are people who have been polarised by this fake propaganda, still there are many who know that whatever is happening is not the right thing. Many people have even come out openly to oppose such activities. But we all need to understand here, that now is not the time to stay passive. We need to come together as one and oppose such notions or else we will regret this in the future. You may be apolitical, you may be having a different ideology but we all are a part of this community and remember we need to tell such people what the idea of India really is. I urge my fellow Indians reading this article to please stand up for what is right. This is our nation and we cannot let self-centred ideologies destroy it. Just relax, think and react.