Home Society Empowering Youth, Inspiring Change – A Journey Towards a Tobacco-Free Future

Empowering Youth, Inspiring Change – A Journey Towards a Tobacco-Free Future

On May 31st, we unite in observing World No Tobacco Day, a significant global initiative aimed at raising awareness about the perils of tobacco use and its devastating impact on individuals, families, and society. In this article, we will explore compelling statistics that highlight the deadly consequences of tobacco, reflect upon the teachings of the Quran that discourage addiction, address the influence of media in promoting tobacco for style, and shed light on the immense suffering experienced by families.

Image by Danish Beig

On May 31st, we unite in observing World No Tobacco Day, a significant global initiative aimed at raising awareness about the perils of tobacco use and its devastating impact on individuals, families, and society. In this article, we will explore compelling statistics that highlight the deadly consequences of tobacco, reflect upon the teachings of the Quran that discourage addiction, address the influence of media in promoting tobacco for style, and shed light on the immense suffering experienced by families. Moreover, we will emphasize the importance of governmental intervention in banning the promotion of tobacco when it is declared injurious. By weaving together statistics, insights from the Quran, and a plea to the youth, we hope to ignite a transformative movement that will empower the younger generation to resist the allure of tobacco and foster a healthier future.

Unveiling the Grim Realities of Tobacco Use : 

To comprehend the gravity of the tobacco epidemic, let us delve into some striking statistics that illustrate the dire consequences of tobacco consumption:

  1. Tobacco-related diseases claim more than 8 million lives globally annually, making it one of the leading causes of preventable deaths.
  2. Direct tobacco use is responsible for approximately 7 million deaths annually, while exposure to secondhand smoke causes an additional 1.2 million deaths.
  3. Smoking increases the risk of developing life-threatening conditions such as lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory disorders.
  4. The economic burden of tobacco-related healthcare costs and lost productivity amounts to billions of dollars, hindering societal progress and development.

Drawing Wisdom from the Quran:

The Quran, as a source of divine guidance, provides valuable insights that discourage addiction and promote a life of well-being and righteousness:

  1. Preserving the Trust of Our Bodies: The Quran emphasizes the sanctity of our bodies and the responsibility to protect them. Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 195 reminds us, “And do not throw yourselves into destruction.” By abstaining from tobacco, we honor this divine trust and actively preserve our physical and mental well-being.
  2. Rejecting Harmful Habits: The Quran advises against actions that harm ourselves and others. Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 2 states, “Help one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and aggression.” Tobacco use not only endangers the individual but also exposes those around them to the dangers of secondhand smoke. By avoiding tobacco, we prioritize the well-being of ourselves and our communities.
  3. It harms our bodies, which are a trust from Allah, and it leads to addiction, suffering, and loss of life. As responsible individuals, it is our duty to protect ourselves and others from such harm. Allah reminds us in Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 2, “Help one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and aggression.”

Media Influence and the Danger of Glamorizing Tobacco :

One of the significant challenges in combating tobacco addiction is the influence of media, particularly movies, and advertisements, in glamorizing tobacco as a symbol of style and sophistication. It is crucial to address this issue and empower the youth to make informed choices based on their well-being and long-term aspirations:

  1. Glamorization in Movies: Movies often portray smoking as a fashionable and rebellious act, creating an allure for impressionable minds. However, the reality is far from glamorous, as tobacco use leads to addiction, disease, and premature death. It is essential for the youth to recognize the disparity between cinematic depictions and the harsh realities of tobacco addiction.
  2. Manipulative Advertisements: Tobacco companies invest heavily in marketing strategies that target young individuals, enticing them with misleading advertisements. These advertisements often create a false perception of tobacco as a pathway to popularity, success, and confidence. By understanding the manipulative tactics employed by the tobacco industry, the youth can develop critical thinking skills and resist falling into the trap of addiction.
  3. Raising Media Literacy: Promoting media literacy among the youth is crucial in enabling them to discern the difference between reality and fiction. By educating them about the tactics used in tobacco advertising and providing them with tools to analyze and question media messages, we empower them to make informed choices and resist the influence of misleading portrayals.

The Devastating Impact on Individuals and Families :

Tobacco addiction not only affects individuals but also has far-reaching consequences for families and society as a whole. It tears apart the fabric of families, creates financial burdens, and leads to immense suffering:

  1. Health Implications: Tobacco-related diseases not only affect the individuals using tobacco but also impact their loved ones through exposure to secondhand smoke. Non-smokers, including children, become vulnerable to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer due to tobacco smoke.
  2. Emotional Toll: Tobacco addiction places significant emotional strain on families, causing anxiety, stress, and feelings of helplessness. Witnessing a loved one suffer from the consequences of tobacco use can lead to feelings of guilt, sadness, and frustration.
  3. Financial Burden: Tobacco addiction drains families financially, as a significant portion of income is allocated toward purchasing tobacco products and healthcare costs. These financial burdens often result in compromised quality of life and limited resources for other essential needs.

The Urgent Need for Government Intervention :

Addressing the tobacco epidemic requires strong governmental intervention through policies and regulations that prioritize public health:

  1. Ban on Promotion: Governments should implement strict regulations to ban the promotion of tobacco products, particularly when it is deemed injurious to health. Prohibiting tobacco advertising, sponsorships, and product placements in movies and media platforms can significantly reduce the influence of tobacco marketing on the youth.
  2. Access to Treatment and Support: Governments should prioritize the establishment of accessible and affordable smoking cessation programs, counseling services, and healthcare facilities. These resources will provide individuals with the necessary support and tools to overcome addiction and lead tobacco-free lives. It is crucial to invest in addiction treatment, counseling, and rehabilitation centers to ensure that those struggling with tobacco addiction receive the assistance they need

Let us join hands in the global fight against tobacco addiction, striving to protect our youth, preserve families, and create healthier communities. By raising awareness, empowering individuals, and advocating for change, we can build a future where tobacco holds no power, and individuals are free to live their lives to the fullest, unburdened by the chains of addiction.

On this World No Tobacco Day, let us ignite a collective determination to make a difference and choose life over tobacco. Together, we can create a world where the youth are empowered, families thrive, and the devastating impact of tobacco addiction becomes nothing more than a distant memory.

The Author hails from Giddalur, Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. He has completed his B.V.Sc.& AH from Pondicherry University and his M.V.Sc. from NDRI, Karnal. He is currently pursuing his PhD

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Roshan hails from Giddalur, Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. He has completed his B.V.Sc.& AH from Pondicherry University and his M.V.Sc. from NDRI, Karnal. He is currently pursuing his PhD along with serving as the Director of Centre for Educational Research and Training (CERT).