Home Campus voice Idea of pluralism is under threat

Idea of pluralism is under threat


Students Islamic organisation of India, Karnataka zone had organised a EID GET TOGETHER program on the theme “ÏDEA OF INDIA” on 25th July’15 in  Banglore.

Chief Guest, Shanawaz Ali Rehan, Research scholar Oxford University U.K. delivered an expert talk on the topic “Preserving the Idea of India, Dilemmas &  Assertions”. During his talk he very well explained, what was the impact of British rule, Gandhian nationalism on the idea of India and how the idea emerged. He said the idea of India is very well reflected in our constitution that is based on Equality, Justice, Liberty and fraternity. He also expressed his concern that currently the very Idea of pluralism is under threat and the India’s quality of inclusiveness is under attack.IMG_3378

Labeed Shafi, State President of SIO of India, Karnataka spoke on the occasion and said EID brings with it the tradition of giving and sharing and it enriches our lives with the spirit of brotherhood. He also said that positive forces of the society should unite to develop an ideal India.

There was also an open session wherein participants discussed various issues and challenges involved in addressing them. Participants included various well known social activists of the city, students, lecturers , students organisation leaders and others. The program was followed by Dinner.