Home Deliberation Story of the true patriots

Story of the true patriots


Some people were in jail under some serious allegations for which they were facing trial in the judicial court. After years of living in jail and waiting, their hope to get free got revived as the allegations against them were difficult to be proved. They were about to win the trial and be acquitted from all allegations with court all ready to declare them innocent and set them free.

But this turn of events disturbed them, they did not like the idea of getting free after so many years. Because they did not just want to return happily to their families who were waiting for them, but to do something to serve the nationalist government of their country and to boost the morale of its nationalist followers. They were true patriots and hence for them, the interests of their government meant more than their return to a normal happy life. They started to think deeply about the possible consequences of their acquittal for their nationalist government. They thought that if they would get acquitted (like many others who had been acquitted after 10-20 years in jail, having proved innocent), how it would affect their nation or its so-called nationalists. They thought that their acquittal would again raise the same questions as had been raised on the acquittal of some others. They knew that some people who are blessed with their own minds and who use it too to think freely would then demand to catch the real culprits of the crimes for which they had been tried and would be acquitted, for if they are not the real culprits, somebody else must be!

Those highly patriotic prisoners knew that if a search to find an answer to all these questions (that were likely to be raised after their acquittal) would begin, then their nationalist government and its nationalist followers might get in trouble. They also knew very well that their nationalist government that had failed on all fronts had no agenda to distract the attention of the public from the rising inflation, unemployment, corruption, violence, and hooliganism under it so as to attract the voters in the upcoming elections. The majority of public was seemingly getting upset with the failure of the government, was raising voice against it, and was intended increasingly to teach it a lesson for its failure. And what could serve better to distract public from all other issues than to erect the fear of terrorism before them! To keep people in fear of some enemy is the easiest and surest way to gain their loyalty to the government and thus to remain in power and rule over them, as thinkers like Noam Chomsky tell us. They knew that the ghost of terrorism would not only distract them from all other issues, but would also secure their praise and support for the nationalist government, making them disregard all its failures, and thus would make way for it to remain in power.

After regarding all these pros and cons of their acquittal deeply and sincerely, they came to the conclusion that they won’t get acquitted to put their government in trouble. They rather decided to do something to help their government secure its deteriorating image and to make the so-called nationalists of their country happy. They thought and planned carefully to do some unbelievable things that even the Robinson Crusoe (the most industrious and self-sufficient fictional character) could not do. They managed to unlock the heavy iron locks of one of their country’s high-security prisons with the help of a wooden key. They were surprised to see that such a high-security prison had only one guard on duty to kill whom was not at all difficult with the help of sophisticated weapons made out of spoon and plate. I forgot to tell you that some of their fellows were locked in another barrack at a considerable distance who possessed even more super powers than these fellows. Their mysterious powers told them that their certain fellows were going to break jail at a particular point of time and they decided to join them. So, at the stipulated time, they also came out of their barracks (even without a wooden key) and they all crossed the forty feet high fence of the prison with the help of bedspreads, again taking help of their supernatural powers, because that’s simply not humanly possible, and voila! They were free!

Now their biggest concern was their clothes because they were highly conscious about their social status. So, together they went in search of some branded clothes, shoes and watch, etc. Luck was again with them because the markets in their country used to remain open 24×7 so it was not difficult to buy anything anytime. After resolving this most important issue upon which depended their life and death, they met some fellows of theirs whom they had communicated about their jail-break on the phones provided by the jail authorities to them. Those fellows supplied them with the weapons that they needed to confront with the police because their planning required them to come back and had a cross-fire with the police. That is why they did not run away with those fellows whom police could not catch or even knew, neither their fellows provided them some vehicle to run away in as they knew that running away was not their purpose at all. They were out just to restore the faith of their countrymen in their nationalist government because, to remind you, they were true patriots.

The question before them now was where to go? They carefully weighed the options. They knew that if they got dispersed and went in different directions, it would be difficult for their nationalist police to find and catch them that was already in trouble for its inability to find a lost student (abducted by some nationalist goons) for almost sixteen days. They also knew well that if they would go to some populated place, it would again be a challenge for the police to track them down. Being real patriots, they did not want to put the police of their nationalist government in trouble, their purpose was rather to assist them in every way to fetch them their countrymen’s support who were simple enough to believe in any story with the tag of ‘terrorism’ (provided that the tag must refer only to people with a particular identity) without questioning things with reason. So, they dropped all options that were likely to create trouble for the police or administration and together started walking down towards a village. Their happiness knew no bounds when they came across a hilltop beyond which they could not run as it ended steeply into considerable depths. Where could they find a better place to run away? Their sense of patriotism even impressed the very police that was following them, so that it gave them a final chance to run. But owing to their thoughtful choice (they did not want their patriotism to ditch them at any point) of place, they could not even go away a step further, thus forcing police to gun them down. Thus, they lied down their lives for the sake of their nationalist government or the nation because in their country, government was regarded as the nation itself.

Hats off to their Patriotism!

Note: It is just a story to be enjoyed for its characters’ adventurous and patriotic spirit. Resemblance to any real incident should be regarded as a mere chance.