Home Arts & Culture Hypocrisy of Indian society

Hypocrisy of Indian society


“When she is being raped, she should not fight back.”

The last few days, these lines boomed everywhere right from the news broadcasting channels to the most prestigious newspapers of the nation. Termed as one of the pioneers of the news industry, the BBC did the courtesy of filming an interview of one of the five rapists of the December 16th Nirbhaya rape case. The moment BBC publicized the documentary, countrymen went up in roar and indeed it was necessary, as nobody has the rights to re-victimize the already victims and their families by filming their agony. But what struck me more is the audacity of the rapist and the way he graphically described the atrocity over and over again.

 Change your mindset related to a woman because our actions act like a mirror to our thoughts. We do what we think so, before making your kid a champion in sports and studies, teach him to respect a woman.  Teach him/her to respect a human.

If we reflect on the interview even for a moment, it makes us realize that the vexed issue doesn’t lie with the law and order of our country neither does it lie with any producer filming it.  Rather it lies with the mentality of the human beings (or should I call them animals), who go to the extent of committing these heinous crimes. The worst part is they are Indians. This thought process, even if it underlies with 1% of the population, then no one can make the streets of  India a safe haven for women.  “Housework and housekeeping is for girls”, comes from the 21st century Indian citizen, when India is striving hard to become a global powerhouse. Will all these achievements that our Country and countrymen have achieved, all the advancements we have made in different sectors of development, would that have been possible without the support and contribution of the fairer sex?  The question may seem rhetoric but it needs to be thought upon.

It’s high time when we should face the reality and make amendments to fix the loopholes in the society. Rather than playing the blame game, let’s scrutinize ourselves!  Security of a woman isn’t only the responsibility of the police department or herself, the onus lies with every single human being. Change your mindset related to a woman because our actions act like a mirror to our thoughts. We do what we think so, before making your kid a champion in sports and studies, teach him to respect a woman.  Teach him/her to respect a human.

Because only when you show respect, you get respect at the end of the day . Respect is the ultimate currency and that’s best thing to give to any woman.