Home Arts & Culture A nation that celebrates Encounters

A nation that celebrates Encounters

8 under trails were killed in an “encounter”, almost after 8 hours after their ‘escape’, 11 kilometers from the jail, who, their lawyer says, had their case going in their favor in the court.
They might have had some biryani and some music, and might have been celebrating their escape from one of the high security prisons of the country. Damn! Who the hell could catch escaped prisoners, one put beside one equaling a total of, eleven kilometers far far away from the jail. No one. None. So they thought. But our brave police, foiled their illusion. Killed them all. Some at point blank. As the videos show.
The story from the government is dubious. One says they had guns. The other says they had none, but only utensils, sharpened to slit a throat. And some more narrations. We have to wait till the story is finalized after going through some proper editing.
So. It goes on. The brouhaha. That includes lost lives. Of a constable and the jail escapees.
Whatever story is true. The killed might have been wretched souls. Or they might have been falsely accused. The court will pronounce its verdict after due process. But what we see is a shocking celebration of blood.
We like blood being spilled of whoever that is against the perceived “national” interests. Be it a Maoist. An Adivasi. Or a Kashmiri stone pelter. Or even a Dalit, who challenges the caste system. Or a mere Muslim who wants to have his meaty meal.
We have come to become a nation where most so-called “nationalists” celebrate “encounters”, even when there are tough questions on them. A nation, where the supporters of the ruling party, brazenly ask for encounters and want justice done by the gun, not by the court. (refer twitter.com)
A nation which wants to do forensic examination to ascertain if it was beef or mutton, that the dead victim of mob lynching, was carrying. And if it turned out to be beef then the nation would be happy that the lynching was justified. A nation where the under-trials are declared terrorists based on their religion. Where “encounter” victims happen to be only from one religion or another particular ideology. But then, there are also convicted criminals belonging to the ruling party ideology roaming around freely on parole, as they are no harm to the “national interests”.
The nation celebrates the blood of its perceived enemies. Enemies that are its own citizens. Enemies that really might not be enemies. Enemies that might be innocents. Enemies that ultra nationalism creates from its own.
So kill the enemies. Lets celebrate their blood then.