Home Campus voice Protest and Prayers in Solidarity with Aleppo at AMU

Protest and Prayers in Solidarity with Aleppo at AMU


The students community of AMU conducted a peace march yesterday, to express solidarity with the victims of the ongoing political genocide in Aleppo by the Bashar al Assad government in Syria. Hundreds of students holding placard started the peace march from Maulana Azad Library to Babe – e- Syed. All were silent to show condemnation.

Since last few days Aleppo was hit by several consecutive airstrikes, allegedly destroying the buildings and killing the civilians and even they mercilessly executed , bombed and shot at the infants, children and women. Nearly 200 civilians have been killed, many injured and decimated. This mass execution has caused terror among the civilians. Children and youth are shot dead; women are raped by the army. There is an appeal from the civilians in the social media to save Aleppo, save humanity.

The rally was gathered only to show solidarity with the massacre of innocent civilians of the War-hit Aleppo. One protester said, “Hiding our faces won’t help; it is a massacre that people need to be aware of. It is not much that we can do and yet our humble words of solidarity and prayers bring us an inch closer to the tragic state of fellow human beings.”One of the students in the protest Ayesha Nadeem said, “We support no particular faction, race, religion, or region. We support peace and the right to life, we support humanity.’’

This solidarity march also remembered the ongoing massacre of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and political conflict in Kashmir.amu1-1