Home Arts & Culture The Cry of The Bleeding World

The Cry of The Bleeding World


The Rohingya sea trapped in the east,
While the Enshriners of “peace” murdered disguised as beasts
Stuck amidst the merciless waves,
Their “asylum” finally granted in sea graves!

The privileged of us that reside in the west,
too were not deprived of their share of the unrest.
None was spared to practice their faith,
The land of “freedom” now dominated by hate.

They did not give you justice, O Gaza,
Your buildings bombed and farms destroyed.
Wherever did I turn my eyes,,
I found injustice, death and cries.

Flourishing Arab nations in the Middle East,
became the battleground for the power hungry beasts.
Each claiming to be fighting off “terrorism”,
Akin to the WMD excuse of Bush’s colonialism?!

Countless images have trended the social media,
But none “trended” the hearts of the war mongers.
And so the bombings continued to trend,
Awaiting humanity to tread their differences.

Racism, sexism, bigotry and hate,
All shall perish beneath your fate.
Justice, equality, peace and order shall rise,
Awaiting the morals from your Lord to arise

The traits by which were you the inheritors,
And inventors, innovators and establishers.
The rulers of the earth far and wide,
Peace and justice prevailed- the days of Pride!

Live by the morals of the textbook from God,
For then the defeat of the just is indeed absurd!

“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.” [Quran 3:110]