Home Campus voice A Reflection on the Role of the Present Students’ Union AMU

A Reflection on the Role of the Present Students’ Union AMU


It is really prestigious to be part of the country’s oldest democratic students’ union which is enlightened to have the Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi as its lifetime member. Of course this prestige comes with greater responsibilities what the elected members are obliged to do from the very moment they are elected. Being a former Cabinet member of the same students union and a student for last seven years I have come across several changes and transformations, ups and downs, which the university has experienced and is experiencing.

At present the university is striving to achieve two goals. One is to have its minority character and another is to be on the top of the university rankings in 2017. Vice Chancellor Lt. General Zameer Uddin Shah’s vision to see AMU on the top of rankings will be successful if the university gets three smart stakeholders. First is smart infrastructure which has seen huge transformations in recent years.  The second and third are Smart Teacher and Smart Students respectively. This is where the students union needs to play an active role in the mechanism of checks and balances for fair and eligible recruitment of teachers. For better and effective teaching selection of versatile and eligible teachers is mandatory. But corruptive notion like ‘jugad’ has already given AMU some incompetent teachers who disrupt academic coherence and hinder the progress. Students’ Union, as it is for students’ concerns, may look out for this.

The process of creating Smart Students has already started in the university as there has been significant up gradation in the curriculum and course structures in the university with the introduction of semesters and mid-semesters in graduations. Yet students face various problems like accommodation and adjustment. It is now an established fact that a first year student would not get accommodation in halls, except they have strong jugad(arrangement), as rooms are already filled up. This is where the students union should talk and work with administration. The university is open to its students with reading room facilities in every hall. But they are not up to the mark as they are old, books are old and especially mosquitoes are always ready to interrupt one’s study. Many rooms of old buildings are pulverized. Students do complain but their requests hardly get priority. Students’ Union should try to sort out these problems.

On the issue of minority character of AMU the newly elected students union needs to walk with administration as it is working hard to get the minority character.

This historical students’ union has produced many prominent leaders who served the country at various levels. Many elected members have used this as the beginning of their political career and they are successful at present. The country is passing through intolerance and polarization of views, oppression to minority communities and religions. Islam is being attacked and being shown as threat. Muslims are often considered as terrorists and anti-nationals. These newly elected young leaders can be a voice, if they strive for, against this critical situation. They can bring the country back to the light from its regression to extreme conservative ideologies. Community is being under question as there are few sound leaders who can defend and represent our community. At this juncture, these new aspirants may be a strong voice for the community. Many hopes and many wishes are waiting for these union leaders from student community as well as alumni community. It is the time for these union leaders to conciliate all.