Home Deliberation Donald Trump’s Presidency and Muslims

Donald Trump’s Presidency and Muslims


Many months of campaigning for Presidential Election in the USA have ended with the winning of Donald Trump. The enmity and conflict between the candidates was not this much divisive. As for Hillary Clinton, her plans were moderate and a drastic change was not expected in the on-going policies of USA, be it domestic or foreign policies rather it was to be a continuation of old system.  Whereas, the policies of Donald Trump, as he claimed, are radical, nationalist and lot of changes in foreign affairs are expected.

The media’s claim of an Islamophobic character of Donald Trump is exaggerated and his policies are not going to affect as claimed. The future policies of Donald Trump are going to affect the American Muslims, the middle-east and the migrant Muslims.

Muslim citizens in America shall be as safe in Donald’s regime as they were in Obama’s.

America being a federal nation, there is immense power with the different state governments and any change in the policy, if it affects the interest of Muslim citizens, can be checked. Moreover, there is a constitution which guarantees equal rights to all its citizens. Since, Donald Trump has never spoken against the 3.3 million Muslim citizens of USA, therefore the fear of those Muslims, on Donald Trump being elected the president, is misplaced.

Rise in the Migrant related issues can be the result of botched-up foreign policies of the Western Powers

Following the shooting in San Bernardino, California, Donald Trump’s campaign said in a release “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,”.

Again, reacting to the massacre in Orlando, Florida, in which he appeared to reiterate his proposed Muslim ban. “I called for a ban after San Bernardino and was met with great scorn and anger. But now … many are saying that I was right to do so. And although the pause is temporary, we must find out what is going on. We have to do it,” he said. “It will be lifted, this ban, when and as a nation we’re in a position to properly and perfectly screen these people coming into our country.”

Rise in the migrant related issues can be the result of botched-up foreign policies of the Western powers. Millions of Syrians are looking for refuge in the European countries and USA. Allowing entry to immigrants in such a large scale, without any background verification will be disastrous to any country and especially to western countries because of the hatred already sown in the hearts of people by their own policies. And also, terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, which left hundreds of people dead and several others maimed have also been alleged to be the work of migrants. Under such circumstances Donald Trump’s proposal of a temporary ban would be a valid idea.

Foreign Policy of Donald Trump, a boon for war-torn Middle-East

In the second presidential debate, Donald Trump said that the USA cannot be the ‘police of the world’. He also criticised government spending ‘2.14 trillion dollars on military expenses annually in the middle-east countries. Those expenses could have restructured the economy of USA twice’. It is, hence, expected that Donald Trump government would change its foreign policies towards the world in general and middle-east in particular.

The war in Syria is no longer a fight between the rebels and Asad’s regime but it has turned into a fight between Russia and USA, which has led to a cold war like situation and if this continues then the war will not end and the ultimate victims will be the civilians.

With the coming in power of Donald Trump, it is expected that his government will have good relation with Russia, which can eventually lead to a solution to the Syrian crisis and also to get rid of the menace of ISIS.

USA is facing a lot of internal problems and it is yet to recover completely from the repercussions of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. USA’s economic growth rate is just 2.9% in the last quarter of 2016 and the unemployment rate is as high as 4.9%. USA’s debt has already reached 20 trillion dollar. There is also a law and order problem, especially in context to the guns and mass shooting. Donald Trump would prefer to focus on using their resources to address the internal problems rather that funding the war in the middle-eastern countries.

The interference of Western powers for their vested interest has destabilised the middle-east countries and with the coming of Donald Trump in power, it is expected that there will be least interference in the middle-east affairs and that will lead to a peaceful atmosphere.