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Let them do Yoga !!


Knock Knock…. “May I come in PM ji”

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, your PA”.  “Achchaa, come in. What is it you have today?”

“PM ji, our country is amid many crisis for over a year. We got to resolve it sooner”

“ Achchaa, how come you never briefed me on these?”

“Sincere apology PM ji, but you weren’t in India for the past 1 year”

“Don’t you know my visit to abroad have made India the strongest nation in the universe”.  “PM ji, our people don’t feel so. The plight of our people still remains worse except for Ambani and Adani.””

“PM ji, more farmers are committing suicide in Vidharba. What can be done here?”.  “ Hmm… Since today is International Yoga Day, let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, will this halt the crisis?”. “Yoga is India’s gift to the world. Surely Yoga will do miracle”.

“PM ji, the farmers want you to safeguard their interest on Minimum Selling Price of their harvest. Also they want many agricultural subsidies and the loans to be waived off”. “Any measures will not be of benefit. Let all the farmers do Yoga. Jai Jawaan Jai Kisaan”.11143272_990537747653438_808550858601476288_n

“Hmm.. ..PM ji, insurgents in the north-east have increased, They have killed many of our soldiers”.  “ Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, people are still waiting for earthquake relief in Nepal and North India”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, millions of Indians are still malnourished”. “That’s huge, hmmm…..Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, crime against women and Beti have increased”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, students at IIT Madras & FTII aren’t happy with your team”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, media needs clarification on LaMo controversy”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, when will we succeed in getting the Black money from foreign banks? Every Indian is desperate in becoming Lakhpati when you do that”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, many ghar waapsi people are hungry and unemployed”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, our country is facing massive shortage of well trained & qualified teachers”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, What about OROP for the defence personnel?” “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, Assam is flooding, more than 2 lakh people needs immediate rescue & relief support”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, India have witnessed more number of communal riots than ever before”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, India’s economy is slowing down”. “What! Who says so, Let them use Gujarat mode…l… “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, India lost in cricket world cup”. “Let them do Yoga”.10369214_990472727659940_2410671905668839697_n

“PM ji, many of your ministers are found corrupt. People are demanding their resignation”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, atrocities on minorities is on the steep rise”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, petrol & diesel price are increasing every month. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, monsoon is late this year. Farmers are worried”. “Let them do Yoga”.

“PM ji, the public is .. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”. “Let them do Yoga”….

PA abruptly and quietly leaves the PM’s office carrying the weight of despair & mass humiliation. Now with the pin drop silence in the office, PM ji wonders the depth of the silly attitude. Deep inside he realises he has been bluffing around locally and globally.


  1. Common man’s voice indeed. However there still are many people who are yet realize the difference between rhetoric and action.