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Mother : A Selfless Lover And Lifelong Best Friend

The first teacher, your first and lifelong best friend, the ultimate caregiver, the epitome of selflessness and many such epithets are linked to only one name – Mother. And yet, they don’t come close to describe the role that mother plays in our lives.
In our schools, the first essay that we were asked to write was on the topic “My Mother”. A person who was almost omnipresent in our lives in that phase of our life and yet we failed to write the five lines they asked of us. Not much could be written after her name. Years have passed and still one will find it difficult to construct sentences which would do justice to even a fraction of mother’s role in our lives.
Do you remember the time when she taught you to speak the first words? Can you imagine the happiness she experienced at that moment? Or the time when she held your hand and helped you draw that jagged ‘A’? Your first written letters. I don’t remember those moments. Not that we care much about that time when we are appreciated on our writing skills or communicative language. All those applause because a person persevered to help a child learn. The initiator. And when she asks us to teach her how to operate her smartphone, how do we reply? I won’t answer that. We all know.
I remember my mother remaining awake all night even if I had just a mild fever. Or if I told her that I am feeling uncomfortable. Sitting all night besides me and comforting me. The Caregiver. Do I show the same concern when she falls ill nowadays because of her age? I won’t answer that. We all know.
Before I found friends in my school to play or to share my thoughts, there was a person whom I could wake up in the afternoon to play with me or listen to my blabber. She despite being tired from her daily chores would wake up from that all important rest and listen attentively to my rants. Often we played ludo, where she tried to lose every time. But, I was a poor player. My best friend. Yet, now when she wants to tell me something important, do I find time for her? I won’t answer that. We all know.
No, she never asked anything from me in return despite being the anchor to my tiny boat. She only asks of me to be a good human being. And prays to God every single day that I may find success wherever she may be – alive or dead. Epitome of selflessness. Will I care for her when she can no longer care for herself? Or will I be too busy in my “family” and work related affairs? I can’t answer that. I don’t know.
She taught me all these and yet I can’t use that knowledge to write a single line of gratitude for her. As far as I know even if I wrote that she would brush it aside with a smile. She doesn’t want me to be grateful, but to extend the same care to others. And she will like if her progeny is close when she needs them. I promise that I will be and my mother has also taught me to keep my promises.