Home Religion & Spirituality Prophet Abraham – A Friend of God

Prophet Abraham – A Friend of God


Eid ul Adha is the festival celebrated in the name of the great Prophet of Allah – Abraham (may peace be upon him). It reminds us of the extraordinary sacrifice the prophet carried out to please Allah. Abraham(PBUH) – a personality respected by all three monotheistic faiths –  Jewish, Christianity and Islam- was the unique prophet who was tested most in his life by Allah and each time was triumphant to prove to be His faithful servant.

 “Recall to mind that when his Lord put Abraham to test in certain things and he fulfilled all of them”. [ Quran 2 :124]

His sacrifice commenced at very young age when he went through the trial of blazing fire set by the King Nimrod for disobedience to his orders. He was born in Iraq. Abraham’s father was the chief officer of king Nimrod and a great favourite with his royal master. Abraham(PBUH) was a lover of the Lord from his earliest childhood. Nimrod claimed to be a god possessing the rank of sovereign godhead. But Abraham stood steadfast in his belief of sovereign Godhead which actually lies with the Almighty God alone and taught the people to get rid of supernatural Godhead. He didn’t ask for wealth or power or any worldly pleasure but only wanted to cast away the shadows of ignorance prevalent among his people under the rule of the king. This was not tolerated and the Prophet Abraham(PBUH)  was brought before Nimrod for trial.

Abraham said, “My Lord is He Who gives life and causes death,” Nimrod answered, “I give life and cause death.” Then Abraham said, “Well, Allah brings the sun from the east: just bring it from the west”. [Quran, 2:258]

As usual, when falsehood is defeated on intellectual grounds it resorts to plotting and oppression. Hence the king ordered to slay him or burn him” [Quran 29:24].

Ibrahim could have given up his message and his beliefs to save himself from the fire of Nimrod. He chose to die for Allah’s message to live. He chose to step into the fire of ignorance and tyranny in order to save humanity from the fire of ignorance and tyranny.

But Allah had a different plan for Abraham(PBUH)  and he was unhurt by the grace of Allah. Allah says :

“We said `O fire! Be cool and a means of safety for Abraham” [Quran 69:221]

Even after this when the people did not refrain from their cruelty and oppression, Abraham(PBUH) had to leave his birth place and separate from his family.

Throughout his prophethood and service to God, Abraham(PBUH) remained uncompromising, unshakable in his beliefs, patient in his suffering and gentle in his manners.

Abraham did not have children. The Prophet Abraham desperately longed for a child but his wife Hajrah was barren.  He was granted a son at the age of around 85 years.

Abraham was to be tried once more.

When the boy reached the age to work with him, (one day) Abraham said to him, “My son! I have dreamed that I am sacrificing you. Now tell me what you think of it.” He said, “My dear father, do as you are being commanded. You will find me, if Allah so wills, of the patient.” At last, when the two had submitted themselves (to Allah) and Abraham had flung his son down on his brow, and We called out, “O Abraham! You have indeed fulfilled your vision. Thus do We reward the righteous. This was indeed a manifest trial.” [Quran, 37:102-105]

Notice that the Qur’an never says that Allah told Abraham (PBUH) to kill (sacrifice) his son. Here, it teaches us that Abraham (PBUH) had a dream in which he saw himself slaughtering his son. Abraham (PBUH) believed the dream and thought that Allah is asking the sacrifice of his son. Abraham (PBUH)  was ready for this trial too. Though it was not an easy job for him to slaughter his only son, Abraham (PBUH) made his mind to fulfill it, proving his non-attachment to materialistic world. But, by Allah’s grace, the knife did not cut.

Abraham received a sheep and was asked to sacrifice the same. Hence the yearly tradition of the sacrificing of a ram to commemorate Abraham and Ismail’s great self-sacrifice has followed this event.

No one should suppose that meat or blood is acceptable to the one true God. But Allah does accept the offering of our hearts. He has given us power over the brute creation, and permitted us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the solemn act of taking life, for without this solemn invocation, we are apt to forget the sacredness of life. By this invocation we are reminded that cruelty is not in our thoughts, but only the need for food.

“The animal offerings are among the rites decreed by GOD for your own good. You shall mention GOD’s name on them while they are standing in line. Once they are offered for sacrifice, you shall eat therefrom and feed the poor and the needy. This is why we subdued them for you, that you may show your appreciation.  “ [Quran, 22:36]

The whole life of the Prophet was a series of sacrifices. He sacrificed everything which is valued in life, and encountered every kind of danger in the way of Truth. He chose the love of God over the love of self, prophethood over fatherhood, loyalty to God over loyalty to family, truth over reality, responsibility over pleasure, and duty over right. Thus this way Abraham proved to be the role model of sacrifice for the whole world.