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Small steps can go a long way in saving our environment


The 5th of June every year is observed as World Environment Day. It’s run by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). This year’s theme is ‘sustainable consumption and production’.

Now, what does sustainable consumption and production really mean? This concept aims at improving the environment through efficient consumption of natural resources. Several international seminars, conferences and world summits have been held since the beginning of the new millennium to ‘discuss’ this issue along with other problems like climate change and global warming. Nations pledge to make an effort to improve the environment and combat climate change.

Yet all these international resolutions are never fully implemented. World leaders take these pledges/resolutions to save the environment. That’s where it ends. These resolutions are forgotten!

Now, I’m not accusing governments of inaction. Several countries have now passed laws and regulations to promote sustainable consumption and production. They  have realised the gravity of the situation. Corporate companies have also taken an initiative to tackle this problem. This is definitely a step forward.

We as individuals have a hypocritical attitude towards this issue. Most of us believe that we have no role to play in combating climate change and protecting the environment.

Governments and giant corporations are doing their bit to solve the problem. But that is not enough to protect the environment! We as individuals have a hypocritical attitude towards this issue. Most of us believe that we have no role to play in combating climate change and protecting the environment.

In the age of social media everyone likes to play the role of a ‘social media activist’ .  Most of us will probably share a post on Facebook or Tweet about how it is important to protect the environment. The activist within us thinks that sharing a post is not enough. We should be doing something more proactive. How about signing a petition on Change.org? Sure, signing an e-petition on a website will save the environment!

Those of us who are not so net savvy may probably take part in an event organised by a pro-environment NGO. We’ll meet at a designated place, wave placards, distribute pamphlets to pedestrians on the street, take pictures and finally upload them onto social media. These activities will not help the cause in any way. They may help in generating awareness but their effect is minimal.

We must do our bit to save the environment. One does not have to conjure a clean source of energy out of thin air.  That task is best delegated to scientists. We can begin with saving electricity, planting a tree and constructing rain water harvesting pits. Use public transport. Encourage car pooling. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list. But I think you get my point. Small steps like these will go a long way in saving the environment.