Home Open space In Times of Jingoism Disguised As Patriotism, Journalists Should Be The Batman

In Times of Jingoism Disguised As Patriotism, Journalists Should Be The Batman


Though the Batman works as a night vigilante to save the people of his beloved land Gotham and for that he doesn’t even expect anything in return, being a true patriot always ready to sacrifice even his life for the safety of his city (Gotham City), many selfish people doubted him for the death of district attorney, Hervey Dent and called him a murderer.   But the truth is that Dent was himself responsible for his destruction, he instantly turned a criminal when Joker corrupted his mind and accused Batman for his friend, Rachel Dawes’ death.  He had no reasons to trust Joker but he trusted him the most and didn’t care about the city for which once he was a Hero.

He started killing innocent people and justified it by terming his barbaric acts as a revenge for his friend’s death.  Even though Batman after Dent’s death took all accusations upon him so that people keep their faith in the patrons of the society and himself disappeared from the public life forever, the biggest culprit for the botched up identity of Batman was Commissioner James Gordon, who despite knowing the true facts didn’t refuted any charges against Batman.  Batman scarified everything for his city and never asked for anything.

Can anyone who is born as a billionaire ever would like to serve his/her country by becoming a night vigilante or mask man/woman?  It’s almost impossible for someone who gets everything before he wishes to even imagine living such a life.  But Bruce Wayne, the richest person of the Gotham City, not only became a night vigilante but also scarified all his wealth for his people, the people who always reckoned him as a spoiled brat.  He conveniently accepted all the names he was given, like characterless, looser, etc.

He was not as vulnerable as Harvey Dent. Despite being despicable by public and even for some time by his most trustworthy companion, his butler Alfred Pennyworth, he didn’t forget his duty and again bore his Dark Suite to save his City from the threat of a lethal weapon.  He didn’t think twice and stood by his people in need.  He could easily have escaped from the danger area but didn’t leave his people alone in the lurch.

For me, more than Batman his true identity (Bruce Wayne) sacrificed more – in childhood his parents, in adulthood his girlfriends ( who mostly either used him or left him because of his dual identity). Even Alfred left him when he needed him the most.  He kept himself sustained against every danger and saved and served his City till his last breath.

Although Alfred once reminded him that “Batman might not have but Bruce Wayne has limits”, but he never cared.

Bruce Wayne always served his motherland with or without the Black Suit (Batman’s suit).

 If he can do this, why we (journalists) can’t? We don’t even need any sophisticated suit but an ordinary “pen” and “genuine thoughts”.  But irony is that we are not loyal to our land but to our proprietor.  In no time we compromise with our duty whenever we find ourselves in a complex situation (even in a miniscule one).  The country whose journalism’s foundation was strengthened by the legends like Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, Bhagat Singh, Ramnath Goyenka (post-independence), is bereft of ethics today.

Be it Radia Tape, CWG scam, much hyped in recent times Vyapam recruitment scam, journalists are either found to be indulged in the corruption or compromising their duty due to threats (most of the time because of their greed).  Though there are the people who honestly do their work, but despite doing immoral things, corrupt journalists brazenly favor their deeds and rather accuse honest people of doing the wrong.

These fake journalists have got nothing to do with the purposes of journalism but they have only one motive – to keep their superiors (maybe proprietor or any politician) happy anyhow.  For this, they don’t go outside to find news but create it, most of the time this news either praise someone (the one he/she gets the extra perks from) or favors his/her ideology.

In Feb 2016, during Jawahar Lal Nehru University’s nationalism row, many news channels declared the students anti-national  before any FIR and firm evidences, later even court nullified such accusations of anti-nationalism against them.  Even after one year of this incident which shook the whole nation, police couldn’t file the charge sheet against any of the accused.  Media which gave a huge space to this incident merely talk about it now.  But they have got new row (similar) but at different campus (Delhi University).  Whatever happened at Ramjas College is a deliberate act to repeat the Feb 2016 JNU incident.

If we look at the situation rationally, we will find that this entire row happened on the motion of authorities.  When authorities don’t have answers to the doubts of the public, they try to divert their minds to other things which public has got nothing to do with.

Public’s memory is so short that they forget soon and get ready to participate in another movement to change the destiny of the nation.  The public no longer need Lokpal Bill (remember the nationwide protest?) or the last year’s JNU nationalism issue (nobody cares for the accused anti-nationals’ activities, nobody is protesting for their seizer anymore).

In this horrifying situation, it is only journalists (honest) who can aware pubic about the intentions of the authorities.  But irony is that there are only a few who do their duty properly.  Though, these people don’t have the advance suit like Batman (Bruce Wyane), but a more lethal weapon, which once scared Hitler too, i.e. PEN.