Home Arts & Culture Cultural idioms and the linguistic sensitivity of people

Cultural idioms and the linguistic sensitivity of people


Culture complexities do exists and evolve irrespectively. Belching at the dining table is considered polite in China, while in England it’s admonished. Surprisingly the Chinese gentleman would never dance with an unknown lady, on the contrary for the Englishman it’s an honor and privilege to do so.

The heterogeneity of Indians is far more complex than is generally perceived as they are affiliated to many religions, caste, political ideology, sexual orientation, socio-cultural economical strata that makes difficult for a culture to maintain uniformity and acceptance at a given point of time. What seems to be ‘So Right’ to a particular group is often condemned and hush-hushed both in public and private.

 The brigades of the moral policing should educate the mass about the significance & relevance of the Indian culture and heritage and not indoctrinate them.

Entertainments in many forms are doctrines of culture having dominance over another. Likewise ‘Stand-Up comedy’ remains the FMCG of entertainment industries which gives guaranteed satisfaction to its eager audience. The concern arises when the vulgarity in every forms and expression becomes the USP of the show. A recent roast show was organized in Mumbai having audience in thousands, to entertain and raise fund for charity. This was followed by country-wide uproar condemning it and defending it. The artists under the asylum of ‘Freedom of Expression’ won the hearts of the Generation-Next, whereas the so called pioneers of cultured public agitated. The rebuttal of the roasters was that the audiences were major to watch it and there was no compulsion; while the agitators held their heads high clearly marking the territory of Indian culture being intruded.

Often seen at large the interest of India is religion & culture centric and many other important matters are overlooked. We do agree that for a civilization to excel, cultural influence plays a major role. But it would be sheer ignorance to welcome everything in the guise of cultural diversity. In the absence of unbiased guides, it becomes extremely difficult for the young generation to understand and prepare for the routine issues arising from cultural complexities. If the Indian culture was refined, why there are corruption in our daily lives, why do we remain silent to the pathos of manual scavengers, why there isn’t justice for the displaced population in the name of development, why do we still fight & grudge in the matter of religion and politics, how come we all have missed the importance of dwelling in peace and harmony.

‘Freedom of Expression’ should be used to liberate the rigid and filthy mindset of the people. Modern technology and amenities should further pave the road to lead the nation scaling new eights. Living in the modern world doesn’t grant you to permission to brutalize and sabotage the sentiments of the mass; likewise the brigades of the moral policing should educate the mass about the significance & relevance of the Indian culture and heritage and not indoctrinate them.

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A student of Psychology, he enjoys learning in crisis and often sets off for a long ride on a cruiser bike. He chucks out himself from the orthodox religious community yet maintain the substance of spirituality. Often found engaging with students with their issues and brilliant ideas, and when at peace silently prays to god for granting Intellectual Sustenance. He is currently based in global town 'Manipal'.