Home Open space Here’s 10-point List Which Will Tell You What Is NPR

Here’s 10-point List Which Will Tell You What Is NPR


1. The gazette Notification of 31st July 2019 clearly says that according to citizenship rules (3) sub clause (4) the NPR will be made.

2. The citizenship act 1955 amended in 2003 and came into effect on 3rd march 2004 clearly tells in section 14 clause (A) that the Central Government may compulsorily register every citizen of India and issue national identity card to him and 14 (A) Clause (2) clearly says that The Central Government may maintain a National Register of Indian Citizens. 

3. The citizenship act 1955 itself clearly linked the official connection between NPR and NRC. The government will collect the usual data of population through the phase of NPR and then the process of NRC will be started.

4. It must be clear that the government can’t conduct NRC without NPR because NPR is a first step that helps to collect complete data of Indian residents and NRC is a final stage that decides our citizenship.

5. NPR is a database of all usual residences of India and it strives to collect biometric and demographic data of the entire population.

6. The usual resident is the one who has settled in India for 6 months or intend to remain more will be added in NPR database.

7. The Census that goes on every 10 years so the NPR must be prepared between April and September for the 2021 census and the time of the next census is near.

8. NPR is a primary data collection and officers will be compelled by the state government to generate through house-to-house enumeration.

9. Those who have been excluded in NPR list will not be able to get Indian citizenship because the NRC list will be released on the basis of the data collected through NPR.

10. CAA provides citizenship to every religious community except Muslims and people excluded in NRC will be provided Citizenship through CAA.

The game of terms being played by the one who is killing the secular fabric and the backbone of the Constitution completely leads us to the hell prepared by the liars. Is it possible to conduct NRC without NPR? If it is possible then there should be no connection but the NPR phase has started and the budget has also been approved by the central government. If there is no connection between NPR and NRC so I humbly urge the home Minister to Scrap the Idea of NRC and continue the process of NPR. If Adhaar Card and Voter ID are not verifying our citizenship then why we are being issued Voter ID or any national identity card under NPR?

The trap to catch the fish could be made by many different ropes it could have different colours but it doesn’t mean that the different colored wires have no connection between them. It completes to create the whole trap.