Home Open space Hundreds of JMI Students Join In Funeral Prayer For Those Killed During...

Hundreds of JMI Students Join In Funeral Prayer For Those Killed During Anti-CAA Protests

Funeral prayer

Around twenty Muslims have been killed during the anti-CAA protests in Uttar Pradesh under the Yogi-led fascist governance. In Mangalore, two Muslims have also lost their precious life in the relentless struggle against the anti -Muslim CAA.

Hundreds of JMI students and local residents offered funeral namaz in absentia Tuesday in New Delhi for all those killed during these protests. The namaz was led by Mr. Maaz Salman Maniyar, national secretary of SIO.

Jamia students in particular stand out as harbingers of “New India”, who are leading a continuous fight against the BJP’s religious discriminatory Act. With the slogans of “La Ilaha Illallah”, Jamia and AMU students are defining a new Muslim political assertion. This assertion challenges both the right’s otherisation of Muslims, and the secular-liberals’ Islamophobic rants.

On the other side, hundreds of women at Shaheen Bagh in New Delhi are on their sit-in protest against the CAA, spending their days and nights on the roads.