Home Arts & Culture Out came the pilgrim !!

Out came the pilgrim !!


Things aren’t the same anymore

It surely doesn’t feel the same!

What used to be a reviving act,

Is no more understood for the same

Oh! It’s such a shame..


A man clad with two pieces of cloth

Walks miles with people of different grounds.

In same cotton robes they stay

They spend all day and night

With no ill feeling about the other in their mind

Such an act which transcends all race

Is not an usual affair.

People who believe and those who do not

Heed to the lessons this pilgrimage has taught.


Out set a man with no kin

He marched to the center to purify his sins

He did many wrongs and a little right

He asks for forgiveness and tells his plight

He cries and cries

In this promised land to which he came down

Where all his sins have now been washed down

Out came a soul with no sins

A purified heart ready to bring

Peace and harmony among other beings

People who believe and those who do not

Witness the man this pilgrimage has back brought.  


To the man who says:

“A divine journey only,

With no worldly fruits has it ever so given.

Just a ritual like any other

Of the by-gone religious time.

Practiced by its followers time and time”


People who believe and those who do not;

“This is no ritual of just being divine

But an act where peace is revived and

love is spread.

A training ground;

of sacrifice and devotion”

In every act of its, is a jewel hidden

Takes no genius to see what’s hidden

But only a fool to not appreciate

What he has been given.


So like the man who cuts his slack

And between the mountains who runs forth and back

Shows his Lord, his perseverance and faith

It’s time for us to do the same

O People who believe!

A common cause we all do share

To worship our Lord and to love and care.