Home Arts & Culture Why don’t they hear us…??

Why don’t they hear us…??


We see the fight in each other’s eyes we see the pleas in the abandoned eyes,

We are on our knees to the government pleas; there are too many cases and too many need.


You say, there are no resources so I want to ask when will you listen and when will you care? You disregarded us, it isn’t fair.


To the government please, we are on our knees, our hearts are sore with pain more and more.

Now we are sick, alone and at our knees on the road’s floor,


We just don’t know how to save another, where to put our children together,

We are on our knees, oh can’t you see; we pray to government, give back our days.


Please see their plight and see ours too, we are on our knees because of you.

You say nothing, you turn away, your culture is cruel, and you are brutal too.


You leave us lonely fighting and sad, you hurt us and it’s much too bad.

When will you see how much suffering is caused, not just to us, but to the human cause.


Take care now, for what you have done, because one day for sure our cause will be won,

But for now we plead, we are on our knees….. Can you still not hear us?