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Let my voice be heard,

Let the pigeons take the message of peace

Let the doves listen to the anthem of love

But then BOOM!!!!

The war cries fill my ears

And jingles of that once undamaged, untouched Mela

Spring in my mind,

As these thoughts clash together

I am left reminiscent of the past, longing for that peaceful place,

Which once I called home,

I try to remember the soft hands of my mother,

and the warmth in her hug and the love in her voice,

And how I played with my brother with the toys,

I had run with my father

With smiles etched on our faces

Hand in hand,

To see the fluttering of pigeons,

Across the horizon,

Carrying the message of love in the legion,

But now,

My mother lay battered to death,

And brother slain in the war,

And my father left paralysed due to the bomb,

All I see is destruction,

Destruction of my soul,

Destruction of my peace,

Destruction of my solace,

Destruction, Destruction, Destruction


The war has destroyed everything

My soul is broken but hope lives on

My words have no meaning, is what they say

In an era where the media works

To attain its own means,

And corporates run our system

I am told to believe what they show

They belittle all what I know

Bold and irrevocable sense of injustice


And now the future that I see is devoured

Devoured to bits and pieces of happiness, sadness and anger

My lean body awaits the future,

By travelling down the historical pages of the past


As the soot of the once stood wall,

Is filled in the air

Now all that I Care is that,

Will my voice be heard?

Will this psychological terror end?

Will it ever? Will it ever matter?